Trump sacks National Security Adviser, John Bolton



American President Donald Trump on Tuesday announced that he had fired his National Security Adviser John Bolton.

The President made the announcement in a tweet in which he said he “disagreed strongly” with Bolton on “many issues”

“I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House,” he said.

“I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning.

“I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.”

However, after Trump’s announcement, Bolton himself tweeted a direct contradiction of the president’s claim, saying: “I offered to resign last night and President Trump said, ‘Let’s talk about it tomorrow.’”

Bolton had served as Trump’s top national-security aide since April 9, 2018.



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