2019: I’m the bridge between North and South-Mark



Former President of the Senate and Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) Presidential hopeful, Senator David Mark has assured that he would put an end to the seeming suspicion and distrust among Nigerians.

“I know the feelings of Nigerians. I have the courage and political will to address the challenges and give every citizen a sense of belonging”, Senator Mark told party faithful in Ibadan, the Oyo State capital today.

Senator Mark stated; “I am the bridge between the North and South, the old and new. I have a programme that would unite Nigeria and give everyone a sense of belonging.”

He promised to ensure equity, fairness and justices and guarantee that no citizen or section of the country is marginalized in the scheme of things.

The Presidential hopeful reiterated that his economic blueprint modeled 730 would provide opportunities for all and turn the economy around within two years of his administration if elected.

He said; “I stand a better chance to be the flag bearer of the PDP”.

Senator Mark canvassed for transparent, credible, free and fair polls for the forthcoming elections.

State Chairman of the PDP Alhaji Kunmi Mustapha said Senator Mark has an overwhelming credential and experience needed to be President of Nigeria.

Director General of Mark’s Presidential Campaign Organization, Senator Zainab Kure, urged party faithful to remember the voice of the Last Man Standing when it mattered and vote for her principal


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