ATLFCO task Nigeria, others on Increased Participation on Fisheries Governance

ATLFCO task Nigeria, others on increase  participation on fisheries governance
Worried over poor representation of African countries at international meetings on fisheries management in the continent, the Ministerial Conference on Fisheries Cooperation among African States bordering the Atlantic Ocean. (ATLFCOCOMHAFAT)  has called on Nigeria among other countries increase their interest in the fisheries governance in the region
The Executive Secretary of  ATLFCOCOMHAFAT  Abdelouaed Benebbou during a media training workshop organized for  Media Observatory for Sustainable Fisheries in Africa (MOSFA)  stressed the need for African countries to have one voice on issues to affecting fisheries governance in the region, he said “in my opinion I think we need to do more and beware of consequences of decisions  taken by international organizations on behalf of Africa”
Benebbou stated that policy makers in the region need to be aware of the importance of the meetings and ensure they participate in the decision making process.
While highlighting the importance of the participation, he pointed out “that most times African countries are made to apply some of the decisions even when it’s against our own interest but if we were involved from the beginning  we will be able to take decisions that are in our own best interest”.
Speaking on the theme of the workshop Presentation of the results of the major international meetings on fisheries resources in 2022″m, the ES stressed the need to bridge the existing communication gap and ensure that  information and  implications for fisheries resource management reach a wider audience in Africa. and thus improve the awareness and understanding on issues related to fisheries.
According to him more often than no African communication professionals  are able to cover these events, and only a few had access to adequate documentation. And consequently few Africans are informed of the debates and the results of these meetings, saying  even when they are, it’s usually through foreign media that don’t sufficiently take into account Africa’s specificities and interests.
Benebbou however tasked the communicators to put measures in place to improve this situation, so as to further engage African citizens in discussions and decisions related to the management of marine resources, while safeguarding and promoting our specific interests..
He revealed that ATLFCO and MOSFA will be putting in place joint communication plan to to strengthen Africa’s voice in international forums, thereby promoting sustainable management of marine resources, preserve marine biodiversity and guarantee the sustainability of fishing activities in our countries.


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