Oxford Business Group, ARISE Partner to Showcase Sustainable Industrialisation in Sub-Saharan Africa



Oxford Business Group (OBG), a global research and consultancy firm, has entered into partnership with ARISE IIP (Integrated Industrial Platforms) to develop an independent video that highlights the progress of sustainable industrialisation in sub-Saharan Africa, especially in the West and Central parts of the continent.


The “Growth Perspectives Video,” according to the group, draws insights from OBG’s recent Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Report.


The partners say the collaboration is in response to demands for private sector support by the government of the region in view of the rapid growth and development of the sub regional economies. They said their work will  shed light on the pivotal role of sustainable practices in shaping the region’s economic and social landscape.

“The ‘Growth Perspective Video’ underscores the significance of adhering to international best practices and principles of sustainability, particularly as businesses in the region continue to evolve and engage in global trade,” The group said in a statement.  “It features the success story of the Gabon Special Economic Zone – GSEZ Nkok, a flagship initiative in Africa that has attracted significant investment and elevated Gabon’s position in the global timber industry.”


CEO of ARISE IIP, Gagan Gupta, noted that following the establishment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, there has been a notable surge in stakeholder interest for the development of ESG-aligned physical, environmental, and social infrastructure. This encompasses a spectrum of essentials ranging from electricity, internet, and roads to sanitation and education.


“This demand is sparking attraction from African nations towards foreign direct investment (FDI) and international trade, thereby injecting dynamism into their employment landscapes. ARISE’s overarching objective is to facilitate Africa’s evolution into a sustainable, globally recognized manufacturing hub,” Gupta added.


Through the joint efforts with Oxford Business Group, Chief ESG Officer of ARISE IIP, Bhavin Vyas, conveyed that they managed to delineate how their industrial and infrastructure establishment, comparable to their own, aligns with the SDGs, thereby amplifying their ESG commitments.


OBG’s Director of Video Content, Marc-André de Blois, expresses enthusiasm about the collaboration. According to him,  “The video production aims to highlight how sustainable industrialization can drive economic growth while ensuring environmental and social responsibility.

“By partnering with ARISE IIP, as our African Industry regional partner, we aim to bring attention to the positive impact of sustainable industrialisation on sub-Saharan African economies. This video provides valuable insights into how nations can leverage the private sector’s expertise for their economic and societal advancement.” 


The partnership between OBG and ARISE comes at a crucial juncture, as nations across the region seek avenues for resilient economic growth while addressing environmental and social challenges. The ‘Growth Perspectives Video’ serves as a powerful tool for policymakers, investors, and stakeholders interested in sustainable development strategies.



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