Road Traffic Accidents drop by 26.29% in Q3 2023


The total number of road traffic crashes in Q3 2023 was 2,187, indicating a decrease of 26.29 percent from the previous quarter (Q2) which recorded 2,967 and 35.90 percent decrease from 3,412 in Q3 2022.

The National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) in its Road Transport Data Q3 2023 report, revealed that of the total 908 killed in road crashes within the period, 743, representing 81.83 percent were men, while 165 (18.17 percent) were females.

NBS also reports that a total of 4,625 males were injured during the period, indicating 76.56 percent of 6,041 injured persons compared to 1,416 (23.44 percent) females injured.

The report said of all crashes, serious cases stood top in Q3 2023 with 1,419 compared to fatal and minor cases with 532 and 236 respectively. In addition, the three categories of cases recorded a decline, fatal declined by 29.63 percent, serious declined by 26.06 percent and minor cases declined by 19.18 percent in the quarter under review relative to the preceding quarter.

According to the report, a total of 3,371 vehicles were involved in road traffic crashes in Q3 2023, lower compared to the previous quarter which recorded 4,615, indicating a decrease of 26.96 percent.

“The North-Central recorded the highest number of crashes in Q3 2023 with 880, followed by the South-West with 600, while the South-South had the least with 107,” NBS said.

“Similarly, the North-Central recorded the highest number of casualties with 2,548, followed by the South -West with 1,802, while the South-South recorded the least with 281.”



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