CSDP using sports to enhance productivity


The Community and Social Development Project (CSDP), a World Bank sponsored project, says it will continue to use organised sports and recreation to correct work life balance as a means to enhance productivity and improve health and well-being of its staff.

The National Coordinator of the Project, Dr Abdulkarim Obaje who stated this after participating in a novelty football match at the FIFA standard Football pitch, in Iloko, Osun State, during the CSDP Management Retreat held last week, said, “You can see how this dramatized novelty match has taught us team work and sportsmanship.”

According to him, workplace sports keeps staff members physically and mentally ready just as it increases interpersonal relations and improve communication too.

“We are always in the field, in the remotest parts of the country and do not have time to rest or do some other recreational or sporting activities. The lack of other activities other than our job schedules in turn has effect on the job and our later lives thus integrating sporting, leadership games and recreational activities at the Retreat.

According to him, the management of CSDP thought it wise to have work life balance to improve productivity and health of its staff members.

“We are working towards making regular exercise part of our work. We have started the pilot project at the Federal Coordinating Unit in Abuja and many states have indicated interest to commence too,” he said. “At the FPSU, we observe sports after close of work every Thursday and there are indoor sports that staff could cool off with every day.”




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