Being A Woman Doesn’t Limit Me -Zainab


She is a grassroots politician who once represented Wuse ward in the Abuja Municipal Area Council as a councillor & only opposition under Congress for Progressive Change (CPC). Presently she is working as a technical assistant to the Vice President on domestic and sexual violence. Her name is Zainab Buba Galadima, she is our woman of substance this week



I was born in Maiduguri to Engr Buba Galadima, a politician and Hajia Fanna Buba Galadima, a businesswoman and philanthropist. I have five brothers and two sisters. I’m married with two kids, I’m a grassroots, politician, a youth activist and a businesswoman. For primary education, I studied at Maiduguri International Primary School; secondary school at the Federal Government Girls College (FGGC) Bakori, Katsina State. I the proceeded to the United Kingdom and obtained the following certificates A-Levels from Padworth College, Berkshire, London; Business Admin Intermediary programme at American Intercontinental University; a degree in International Finance and Accounting from Regents Business School, London; I have an MBA, MA in Management and Leadership and another MA in Information Technology Management; A member of the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA) and currently studying a post graduate diploma (PGD) in Conflict and Peace and Strategic Studies at Nile University. I hold various certificates on leadership trainings and interior decoration.

I was elected councillor representing Wuse ward under Abuja Municipal Area Council under the platform of CPC, served as the minority leader and the only opposition member at the council. I now work at the office of the Vice President.



I found myself in active politics due to the fact that I felt the need to contribute my quota to the development of my country. It’s been challenging, but those challenges made me stronger and more determined regardless of the stereotype against women and cultural challenges. I had a vision and was determined not to let any obstacle slow me down or derail me



I have a passion for cooking, I love tea, so I created my own recipe for tea. I set up a tea place with a restaurant called TEA & MORE. It is actually a modernized version of the popular ‘mai shayi’ which we see by the road side. Tea & More closes down and moved operations to home based due to the economic crisis we are facing but we are planning on a new comeback Insha Allah. I also have a creative side so I delve in construction and interior decoration.



Really, I have no limit to what I want to become. I can be the president. It’s all about focus, determination, resilience, hard work, and a great support system of which I believe God has blessed me with. It’s all about the right appointed time.



Governance or representation is not as easy as snapping your fingers. The rot we are in is beyond comprehension. I believe we need to reset our mindsets to focus on a better Nigeria as leaders and followers. I comprehend how our standards have fallen so low and how things have gotten so bad. Leaders spend so much on seeking for offices that’s why it’s hard to see substantial impact on the lives of the citizens. I hope to see that change so that genuine people, who can make things better can be given a chance.

My interest is on educating the masses on the responsibilities of the leaders and their rights as citizens and maybe when they understand that, they would demand for better representation and then we can see progress and less pressure.



I am worried about the rate at which corruption is being institutionalized and is the order of the day. I believe Nigeria has great potentials to be like Dubai or any country on the world but we need to face our demons/vices (things that pull us down like mental slavery, backwardness), address them and get rid of them



Everybody makes mistakes in the course of their lives, making mistakes is not what matters but how you learn from them. I’m still learning hard for my mistakes and I have owned them because they make me a better and stronger person. I have also learnt the hard way that not everyone is your friend and one has to be extremely careful.


Why I’m different

I’m fearless, strong conviction on what I believe in, relentless and being a woman doesn’t limit me and highly determined.



I draw my inspiration through my environment, respectable people, events and my strong will! Different people inspire me with different qualities. And also the need to prove myself and break the glass ceiling. Above all I have a name to make and a reputation to build.


Balancing work

it’s not as easy, but I have a supportive husband and I always get help from my mum when it comes to the kids. Politics hasn’t been too serious or demanding but now that election season is here I’m sure things will come up. I have to realign and prioritize my activities.



I love creativity! Photography, driving, swimming, I have passion for architecture and interior decor (of which I’ve had a certificate course recently) and I’ve found my love for words I write poetry (it gives me freedom)


Lessons learned

– God first above all

– Not everyone has to like you and one doesn’t have to trust everyone.

– Loyalty is reciprocal and so does respect.

– Beware of man!

– Always look to be a better version of yourself.

– Life has no spare part

– Love and believe in yourself first.

– Man won’t make me, God will!

– People’s opinion of me doesn’t bother me

– Stay ready so you won’t have to get ready!

– I am worthy to be addressed and treated as a QUEEN.


I dare to live, to aspire and to succeed.

I am fully aware of who I am, my goals, my flaws, my mistakes, my weaknesses, my strength, my journey, my destination .

I am an institution of brains, humanity and kindness.

Mere words don’t scare me, they fuel my zeal to succeed.

I am stronger than you think, I have love around me.

Real women know pain and overcome it, we don’t fear anything

I am every inch a woman

Now a woman, always a woman and one hell of a woman


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